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winter driving

Winter Driving


Always Stay Safe

Learn how to be prepared for winter, the best driving position, and why it’s important to stay calm and focused on the road.

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Winter driving tips

Driving safely in winter conditions requires knowledge, skill and four winter tires with proper tread.

You don’t have to live in Iceland to benefit from winter tires. If you frequently encounter snow or ice, or if the temperature is consistently near freezing, your tires need the extra grip and turning capabilities that only winter tires can deliver. Even if you have 4-wheel drive or all-wheel drive, you still need winter tires on the front and back to conquer the elements and help you stay safe.

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Turning safely

Turning in bad weather requires extra attention.

Before turning, slow down while traveling in a straight line. While turning, maintain a slow and regular speed. If you accelerate suddenly, your tires could lose traction. While turning, don’t make any sudden steering wheel movements.

Car braking on the snow

Braking in winter weather

Try to avoid sudden braking in winter weather.

Only brake in a straight line before the turn, and do so gradually. Do not brake during the turn. Increase your following distance from other cars significantly. If your wheels lock and slide, release the brake pedal to recover traction, then slowly brake again.

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Driving with care

Keep this checklist in mind as you navigate the winter weather.

Drive with two hands. Always. Try to avoid changing lanes in slush. It’s safer to change lanes when slush is not on the road. If using chains, check for proper clearance between the tire and the vehicle, as well as the clearance between dual tires.

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