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Tire pressure for your motorcycle

Make sure you check your tire pressure at least once a month and before any long journeys.

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Check your tire pressure

It is essential to check your tire pressure every two weeks when the tires are cold (i.e. a tire that has not run for at least two hours or has run for less than 2 miles at a reduced speed). Ensure that you make adjustments if you take the pressure after riding, i.e. with "hot" tires. In this instance, refer to the manufacturer's recommendations.

  • Never deflate a hot tire
  • Don't forget to replace the valve caps after your checks are complete
  • Tires filled with nitrogen must still be checked regularly
  • Stick to the tire pressures recommended by the manufacturer

These recommendations are applicable for tires used on the road. There are additional recommendations for use on the racetrack and more generally for any race.

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