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  • All-season
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Stay On Time Without the Down Time. Outstanding combination of longevity, reliability and year-round traction including 3PMSF[1] on all road surfaces for today's most demanding commercial vehicles.

  • All-season
  • Mud and Snow
  • EV Ready
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MICHELIN® Defender® LTX® M/S 2 is completely redesigned to meet the needs of today's vehicles. With modern pick-up trucks and full size SUVs getting larger and more powerful, Defender® LTX® M/S 2 offers the increased treadlife that today's drivers expect.

  • All-season
  • Mud and Snow
  • EV Ready

The MICHELIN Defender LTX Platinum represents a completely new class of tire developed specifically for luxury heavy-duty pickup trucks.  It delivers exceptional tread life along with cutting edge aesthetics.

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