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Find the right tire for you

Michelin X-Ice SNOW

A winter tire designed for maximum mobility and safety – not just when it’s new, but for seasons to come.

  • Winter grip made to last
  • Improved hydroplaning and slush performance1
  • Excellence in longevity
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Michelin X-Ice NORTH 4

Safety made to last and exceptional control in severe winter conditions.

  • Winter performance
  • Ultimate snow & ice confidence
  • Excellent winter traction
  • Long lasting winter tread

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MICHELIN Promise Plan™

A promise of this magnitude can only come from Michelin 60-day Satisfaction Guarantee 3-Year Roadside Assistance Standard Limited Warranty and Limited Mileage Warranty

Legal notes

Michelin X-Ice SNOW

  1. Based on: (1) internal hydroplaning longitudinal acceleration test performed in France in March 2019, on a Volkswagen® Golf 7 comparing the Michelin X-Ice SNOW tire versus Michelin X-Ice Xi3 in tire size 205/55R16 94H XL and on: (2) internal hydroplaning curve test performed in Japan in February 2019, on an AUDI® A4, comparing the Michelin X-Ice SNOW tire versus Michelin X-Ice Xi3 in tire size 205/55R16 94H XL.
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