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Recognize tire handling difficulties

It isn't always easy to get to the bottom of the reasons for different performance issues. Performance issues may be caused by the tires (e.g. type of tire, incorrect pressure) and/or a change to the vehicle (e.g. accessories, load). Tires aren't always the only factor to consider.

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A sharp sideways movement at the front (fork moving back and forth), it is intermittent and very fast, usually occurs during acceleration, and is set off by an external impact (a bump, join in the tarmac).

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A sustained sideways wobbling of the front fork at low speeds (<60 mph/100 km/h) while slowing down.

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A wave-like movement of varying severity that may occur when riding in a straight line or on a curve, and usually appears at an average speed of around 90 mph (140 km/h).

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These occur throughout the whole front fork/wheel, usually at speeds of around 55 to 80 mph (90 to 130 km/h).

Tires are not always the only issue

Weight distribution has a significant impact on whether or not a vehicle will develop a problem. The addition of accessories or modifications (non original top boxes, bags, fairings, windscreen, handles, seat, wheels, etc.) may also play a part in performance.

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